Linear combinations
— TypeL(xc::Pair...; is_filtered = false; kw...) where L <: AbstractLinear
L(itr; is_filtered = false; kw...) where L <: AbstractLinear
is the supertype of all linear combinations with term type T
and coefficient type R
A constructor for a subtype L <: AbstractLinear
constructs a linear combination of type L
out of the given term-coefficient pairs of the form x => c
where x
is the term and c
the coefficient, or out of the pairs provided by the iterator itr
. It must be possible to convert all terms and coefficients to the chosen term type and coefficient type, respectively.
Neither the term type nor the coefficient type need to be concrete. (Of course, concrete types lead to better performance.) If the coefficient type and possibly also the term type are not specified, the constructor tries to determine them using promote_type
(for coefficients) and promote_typejoin
(for terms).
If two or more term-coefficient pairs are given with the same term, then the corresponding coefficients are added up. This is different from dictionaries, where any key-value pair overrides previous pairs with the same key. However, the implemented behavior is more useful for linear combinations.
For specialized applications, terms and coefficients can be processed with linear_filter
and termcoeff
before being stored in a linear combination. The keyword argument is_filtered
controls whether linear_filter
is called for each term.
See also Linear
, DenseLinear
, Linear1
, linear_filter
, LinearCombinations.termcoeff
julia> Linear('x' => 1, 'y' => 2)
julia> typeof(ans)
Linear{Char, Int64}
julia> Linear(x => c for (c, x) in enumerate('u':'z'))
julia> Linear{Char,Int}('x' => 1, 'y' => Int8(0), 'x' => 3.0)
julia> typeof(ans)
Linear{Char, Int64}
julia> a = Linear('x' => BigInt(1), "yz" => 2.0)
julia> typeof(ans)
Linear{Any, BigFloat}
Iterating over a linear combination yields all non-zero term-coefficient pairs. Hence a linear combination can itself be used an argument to an AbstractLinear
julia> Linear{Union{Char,String}}(a) # same a as before
julia> typeof(ans)
Linear{Union{Char, String}, BigFloat}
— TypeLinear{T,R} <: AbstractLinear{T,R}
Construct a linear combination of type Linear
with term type T
and coefficient type R
out of the term-coefficient pairs provided by the iterator itr
Linear combinations of this type are sparse in the sense that terms and (non-zero) coefficients are internally stored in a dictionary.
Other ways to use this constructor are discussed under AbstractLinear
See also AbstractLinear
, DenseLinear
, Linear1
— TypeDenseLinear{T,R} <: AbstractLinear{T,R}
DenseLinear{T,R}(itr; basis::Basis)
Construct a linear combination of type DenseLinear
with term type T
and coefficient type R
out of the term-coefficient pairs provided by the iterator itr
Linear combinations of this type are internally stored as a Vector
(or, more generally, an AbstractArray
). The mandatory keyword argument basis
is used to translate between terms and entries of the Vector
(or Array
). Operations involving two DenseLinear
elements are much faster when the two bases are identical (in the sense of ===
Other ways to use this constructor are discussed under AbstractLinear
See also Basis
, AbstractLinear
, Linear
, Linear1
julia> azbasis = Basis('a':'z')
julia> a = DenseLinear('x' => 1, 'y' => 2; basis = azbasis)
julia> a + 'z'
julia> typeof(ans)
DenseLinear{Char, Int64, Basis{Char, 1, StepRange{Char, Int64}}, Vector{Int64}}
julia> a + 'X'
ERROR: KeyError: key 'X' not found
julia> b = DenseLinear('x' => -1, 'z' => 3; basis = azbasis)
julia> a + b
julia> typeof(ans)
Linear{Char, Int64}
julia> c = DenseLinear('a' => 5; basis = Basis('a':'c'))
julia> add!(a, c)
julia> add!(c, a)
ERROR: KeyError: key 'x' not found
— TypeLinear1{T,R} <: AbstractLinear{T,R}
Construct a linear combination of type Linear1
with term type T
and coefficient type R
out of the term-coefficient pairs provided by the iterator itr
Linear combinations of this type can hold at most one non-zero term-coefficient pair at any time. There are often situations where this is sufficient, and in these cases Linear1
is much more efficient than Linear
or DenseLinear
Other ways to use this constructor are discussed under AbstractLinear
See also AbstractLinear
, Linear
, DenseLinear
julia> a = Linear1('x' => 1)
julia> add!(a, 'x')
julia> addmul!(a, 'x', -2)
julia> a + 'y' # works because a is zero
julia> a + 'y' + 'z'
ERROR: Linear1 cannot store linear combinations of two or more elements
julia> a = Linear1('x' => 1); b = Linear1('y' => 2); a+b
julia> typeof(ans)
Linear{Char, Int64}
Basic methods
— Functiontermtype(::Type{L}) where L <: AbstractLinear{T,R} = T
termtype(a::L) where L <: AbstractLinear{T,R} = T
Return the type of the terms (basis elements) in a linear combination.
See also coefftype
— Functioncoefftype(::Type{L}) where L <: AbstractLinear{T,R} = R
coefftype(a::L) where L <: AbstractLinear{T,R} = R
Return the type of the coefficients in a linear combination.
See also termtype
— Methodx in a::AbstractLinear -> Bool
Return true
if the term x
appears in the linear combination a
with a non-zero coefficient, and false
— Methodlength(a::AbstractLinear) -> Int
Return the number of non-zero terms in a
— Methoditerate(a::AbstractLinear [, state])
Iterating over a linear combination yields all non-zero term-coefficient pairs.
julia> a = Linear('x' => 1, 'y' => 2, 'z' => 0)
julia> collect(a)
2-element Vector{Pair{Char, Int64}}:
'x' => 1
'y' => 2
julia> Linear(x => c^2 for (x, c) in a)
— Functioncoeffs(a::AbstractLinear)
Return an iterator over the non-zero coefficients appearing in a
— Functionterms(a::AbstractLinear)
Return an iterator over the terms appearing in a
(with a non-zero coefficient).
— Functionzero(::Type{L}; kw...) where L <: AbstractLinear -> L
zero(a::L) where L <: AbstractLinear -> L
Return a zero linear combination of type L
. If zero
is called with a type L <: AbstractLinear
as argument, then keyword arguments may be accepted or required.
See also zero!
— FunctionBase.copy
— Functioncopy(a::L) where L <: AbstractLinear -> L
Return a copy of a
— Functioncopyto!(a::AbstractLinear, b::AbstractLinear, c = 1) -> a
copyto!(a::AbstractLinear, x, c = 1) -> a
Set a
equal to the c
-fold multiple of the linear combination b
or of the term x
. If the scalar c
is omitted, it is taken to be 1
— Functionsizehint!(a::AbstractLinear, n::Integer) -> a
Try to make room for in total n
non-zero term-coefficient pairs in the linear combination a
This can speed up computations. At present, sizehint!
has an effect for elements of type Linear
(which internally use a dictionary) and is ignored for all other subtypes of AbstractLinear
See also Linear
, LinearCombinations.has_sizehint
, Base.sizehint!(d::AbstractDict)
— Functionconvert(::Type{L}, a::AbstractLinear; kw...) where L <: AbstractLinear -> L
convert(::Type{L}, x; kw...) where L <: AbstractLinear -> L
Convert the linear combination a
or the term x
to a linear combination of type L
. Keyword arguments are passed to the constructor for L
julia> a = Linear{AbstractChar,Int}('x' => 2)
julia> b = convert(Linear{Char,Float64}, a)
julia> typeof(b)
Linear{Char, Float64}
julia> convert(Linear{Char,Int}, 'x') == Linear('x' => 1)
julia> convert(DenseLinear, a; basis = Basis('a':'z'))
julia> typeof(ans)
DenseLinear{AbstractChar, Int64, Basis{Char, 1, StepRange{Char, Int64}}, Vector{Int64}}
— Functionadd!(a::AbstractLinear, b::AbstractLinear) -> a
add!(a::AbstractLinear, x) -> a
Add the linear combination b
or the term x
to a
. This function modifies a
— Functionsub!(a::AbstractLinear, b::AbstractLinear) -> a
sub!(a::AbstractLinear, x) -> a
Subtract the linear combination b
or the term x
from a
. This function modifies a
— Functionmul!(a::AbstractLinear, c) -> a
Multiply a
by the scalar c
. This functions modifies a
See also addmul!
— Functionaddmul!(a::AbstractLinear, b::AbstractLinear, c) -> a
addmul!(a::AbstractLinear, x, c) -> a
Add the c
-fold multiple of the linear combination b
or of the term x
to a
, where c
is a scalar. This function modifies a
— Functionaddmul(a::AbstractLinear, b::AbstractLinear, c)
addmul(a::AbstractLinear, x, c)
Add the c
-fold multiple of the linear combination b
or of the term x
to a
, where c
is a scalar.
See also addmul!
— Methoddeg(a::AbstractLinear)
Return deg(x)
where x
is the first term appearing in a
(as determined by first(a)
The linear combination a
must not be zero. If a
is homogeneous, then deg(a)
is the common degree of all terms in it.
Calling linear combinations
Calling objects is extended linearly. Here is an example:
julia> struct P{T} y::T end
julia> @linear p::P; (p::P)(x) = x * p.y
julia> p, q = P('p'), P('q')
(P{Char}('p'), P{Char}('q'))
julia> p('x')
julia> a = Linear('x' => 1, 'y' => 2)
julia> p(a)
julia> u = Linear(p => -1, q => 3)
julia> u('x')
julia> u(a)
Broadcasting is supported for AbstractLinear
types. Broadcasted versions of +
, -
, *
, =
are converted to addmul!
, mul!
and copyto!
as much as possible to avoid (or at least minimize) allocations. For example, for linear combinations a
, b
, c
and d
, the statement
a .= b .+ 2 .* (c .- 3 .* d)
is translated to
copyto!(a, b)
addmul!(a, c, 2)
addmul!(a, d, 2*(-3))
and the statement
a .+= b .+ 2 .* (c .- 3 .* d)
addmul!(a, b)
addmul!(a, c, 2)
addmul!(a, d, 2*(-3))
Broadcasted .*
is always interpreted as scalar multiplication, with the scalar as the first argument. The only exception is a statement of the form a .*= c
(that is, a .= a .* c
) where the scalar is the second argument.
By default, only elements of types AbstractLinear
and Number
perticipate in broadcasting. To allow other scalar or term types, one has to use the macro @linear_broadcastable
julia> @linear_broadcastable Char
julia> a, b = Linear('x' => 1), Linear('y' => 2)
(x, 2*y)
julia> a .+= b .+ 2 .* 'z'
julia> a
— Macro@linear_broadcastable T
Add the type T
to the types that participate in broadcasting for linear combinations. By default, only the types AbstractLinear
and Number
are available. (A few others happen to work as well, for example AbstractChar
See also LinearCombinations.LinearStyle
— FunctionLinearCombinations.getcoeff(a::AbstractLinear{T,R}, x) where {T,R} -> R
Return the coefficient of x
in the linear combination a
. This is zero(R)
if x
does not appear in a
This function is part of the AbstractLinear
interface. When it is called, the term x
has already been transformed via termcoeff
, and linear_filter(x)
is true
See also LinearCombinations.setcoeff!
, linear_filter
, LinearCombinations.termcoeff
— FunctionLinearCombinations.setcoeff!(a::AbstractLinear{T,R}, c, x) where {T,R} -> c
Set the coefficient of x
in the linear combination a
equal to c
and return c
This function is part of the AbstractLinear
interface. When it is called, both x
and c
have already been transformed via termcoeff
, and linear_filter(x)
is true
See also LinearCombinations.getcoeff
, linear_filter
, LinearCombinations.termcoeff
— FunctionLinearCombinations.modifycoeff!(op, a::AbstractLinear, x, c) -> a
Replace the coefficient of x
in a
by op(getcoeff(a, x), c)
and return a
. Here op
is either +
or -
This function is called after termcoeff
and linear_filter
See also linear_filter
, LinearCombinations.termcoeff
, LinearCombinations.modifylinear!
— FunctionLinearCombinations.modifylinear!(op, a::AbstractLinear, b::AbstractLinear, c = missing) -> a
If op
is +
, add c*b
to a
, or just b
if c
is missing. If op
is -
, subtract b
or c*b
from a
. Store the new value in a
and return it.
See also LinearCombinations.modifycoeff!